Library Portal » Conducting Research & Using MLA

Conducting Research & Using MLA

These OWL resources will help you conduct research using primary source methods, such as interviews and observations, and secondary source methods, such as books, journals, and the Internet. This area also includes materials on evaluating research sources.
  • T= Topic / Thesis
  • B= Background / Bridge
  • E= Evidence
  • A= Analysis
  • R= Review

Annotated Bibliography

Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption.  New York, Random  

House, 2010.

Hillenbrand’s book offers a riveting account of key events in the life of American WWII Lieutenant Louis Zamperini—including his upbringing in California, his participation as a distance runner in the 1936 Olympics, and his experiences in WWII as a bomber and POW in Japan. One of the central claims that Hillenbrand makes in sharing Zamperini’s story is that the human will and spirit have the capacity to endure seemingly insurmountable suffering. To convince us of this assertion, she makes strong appeals to pathos in cataloging horrific events in Zamperini’s struggles. By the end of book, the reader is convinced that, despite odds that may appear overwhelming, with the help of faith, friends, and family, human beings have the capacity to remain “Unbroken.” I plan to use Hillenbrand’s depiction of the B-29 bombing campaign against the Japanese as evidence that supports my argument that dropping the atomic bomb on Japan (which ended the B-29 bombing campaign for good thereby ending the killing of innocent Japanese civilians) was morally justified.


NOTE: In the sample annotation above, this would be using the Times New Roman 12 pt font (but this program does not have that font available).
In the sample annotation above, the student includes five sentences: 
  • a sentence summarizing text 
  • a sentence disclosing the writer’s central argument
  • a sentence analyzing the main strategy used by the writer
  • a sentence evaluating the argument’s effectiveness
  • a sentence disclosing how student might use source to strengthen his/her own argument.


(The OWL @ Purdue: Slides & At-a-Glance Poster) 
For more MLA Slideshows, see below the slide.


Overview & Workshop
The BASICS MLA Works Cited: Other Common Sources

If you have never done MLA before, here is a good place to start!

MLA SlideShow

MLA Classroom Poster

MLA Sample Paper

MLA Sample Works Cited Page


Most Often Used:
Click the link above to learn how to cite other common sources, such as:
  • Interviews
  • Speeches/Lectures/Oral Presentations
  • Panel Discussions
  • Published Conference Proceedings
  • Paintings/ Sculptures/ Photos
  • Songs/ Albums
  • Films/ Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Podcasts
  • Spoken-Word Albums/Comedy Albums
  • Digital Files


3 Easy Steps

An annotated bibliography is a list of citations (just like an ordinary bibliography). Each citation is followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph--the annotation--to inform the reader of the accuracy, quality, and relevance of the sources cited. Each citation and annotation will require you to practice analytical, argumentative, and synthesis skills.

A good thesis is a concise, provocative sentence on which reasonable people can disagree, and that is supportable with research meant to persuade others to agree with you. Make sure that your thesis statement meets the following criteria:

  • It is written as a statement with which it is possible to agree or disagree.
  • It is tailored to a scope appropriate for a 750-1000-word essay

Generally speaking, the following are good rules to follow. BUT...check with your teacher to learn what his/her specific requirements are for the paper/project in question, as these will vary.)

  • You should read, cite, and annotate at least 3 sources that pertain to your topic, such as:
    • Newspaper Article
    • Scholarly Journal article
    • Full-length book
    • Political Cartoon
    • Popular-Press Magazine Article
    • Website or Podcast
  • Other than the scholarly journal, you should NOT use the same media type more than once.

Cite each source according to MLA guidelines, and write an annotation that includes:

  • A short summary of the source or an articulation of the stasis question that the argument answers (if it’s a visual)
  • A sentence disclosing what the writer is arguing for and/or against and, briefly, the argumentative strategies used by the writer.
  • Perhaps an evaluation of the quality of the source in terms of strength of argument, authority, and overall usefulness,
  • How you will use this source to enrich, support or challenge the thesis you assert.

NOTE: In the sample annotation this would be using the Times New Roman 12 pt font (but this program does not have that font available). Also, the hanging indent may be a bit skewed depending upon what type of browser/device you are using.


In the sample annotation below, the student includes five sentences: 
  • a sentence summarizing text 
  • a sentence disclosing the writer’s central argument
  • a sentence analyzing the main strategy used by the writer
  • a sentence evaluating the argument’s effectiveness
  • a sentence disclosing how student might use source to strengthen his/her own argument.

Annotated Bibliography

Hillenbrand, Laura. Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption.  New York, Random  

House, 2010.

Hillenbrand’s book offers a riveting account of key events in the life of American WWII Lieutenant Louis Zamperini—including his upbringing in California, his participation as a distance runner in the 1936 Olympics, and his experiences in WWII as a bomber and POW in Japan. One of the central claims that Hillenbrand makes in sharing Zamperini’s story is that the human will and spirit have the capacity to endure seemingly insurmountable suffering. To convince us of this assertion, she makes strong appeals to pathos in cataloging horrific events in Zamperini’s struggles. By the end of book, the reader is convinced that, despite odds that may appear overwhelming, with the help of faith, friends, and family, human beings have the capacity to remain “Unbroken.” I plan to use Hillenbrand’s depiction of the B-29 bombing campaign against the Japanese as evidence that supports my argument that dropping the atomic bomb on Japan (which ended the B-29 bombing campaign for good thereby ending the killing of innocent Japanese civilians) was morally justified.